In case you missed it, I’m preparing to shoot a short film in the spring so I asked my friends on Instagram if they had any questions about the process of preparing to direct a film. They were such great questions that I couldn’t answer them well in quick videos so I’m writing out some longer form answers here throughout February.
Today’s Questions: Do you have self care routines before you start filming?
Short Answer: Yes I do, but these days it is mostly the same as the self care I practice in between gigs. It essentially is a structure I’ve created for myself to keep my life more routinized than it would be otherwise and ensure that I’m taking care of myself physically and mentally: a regular bedtime, healthy meals, physical activity, regular massage and acupuncture appointments (Thank you DGC benefits!) etc.
Longer Answer: There are specific things I do once I book a new gig that aren’t a part of my routine self care:
- I get my life in order.
I highly simplify everything that I can. I cancel appointments. I pause recurring reminders in my calendar. I don’t book new lessons or activities for my kid. I let everyone in my life know that I’m going into production on a project and I will be MIA socially during that time. - I get my support system on board. (For me this is my spouse, my mom, my in-laws, my close parent friends, and my kid’s godparents.)
I actively release myself from my usual household obligations (in consultation with my spouse, thanks babe!), and plan additional childcare which can look like extra play dates, more sleepovers at my mom’s house, my MIL coming to stay with us for a week, or if school isn’t in session my kiddo going up to visit my in-laws for a week. - I make myself a comfort kit for set.
This will be different for every person but mine includes extra clothes and shoes, a few pairs of extra socks, deodorant, toothpaste/brush, pillow and light blanket for lunch naps, my favourite energy bars/shelf stable snacks, inclimate weather gear, depending on the season sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, fans. Before the first week of shooting and on the days between shoot days I make a big batch of protein smoothies and fresh pressed juice. I have found that I am very bad at eating on set. In the past I would mostly forget to eat and then down a bag of chips or a bunch of candy. The juice gives me (sugar) energy so I don’t drink quite as much coffee, and the protein smoothie has lots of nutrients (proteins and good fats) to keep me going. I also bring my reusable water bottle and ask someone on set that I know a bit/have a relationship with to help me remember to drink it AND refill it so I can keep drinking it.
And that’s the core of it! A big pro-tip I’ve come to learn is that if you can pre-schedule a massage (or acupuncture/chiropractor etc) appointment on a weekend between shoot days you will be so glad you did.
~ Alex 🙂